The fifth installment of the fascinating series dedicated to the legendary entities of Norse mythology is an homage to the Goddess Hel. Hel is the queen of the underworld realm of the same name, and daughter of Loki, the notorious trickster god.
This 2023 Hel coin contains 2 Troy oz. of .999 fine silver. The coin features dramatic high relief imagery. The coin's elegant antiqued finish is accented with 24 karat gold.
The coin represents the fifth release of the popular Norse Gods series. The one dollar denomination coin is legal tender of the Cook Islands. The coin has a 38.61 mm diameter. The coin will ship in an attractive original Mint package. Mintage is limited to a mere 500 pieces.
Mint | Generic - Various |
Year | 2023 |
Country | Cook Islands |
Weight | 20z |
Purity | 999 |
Status | Active |
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